Things to Keep On Hand if You Like Unexpected Guests

My wife and I like uninvited guests. In fact, it's one of our favorite things; no matter what's happening, a drop-in visitor brings a pleasant surprise and a reminder to live a little. My wife is a wizard at entertaining (and would be surprised to hear that, which speaks to how effortless it is for her...) and I've learned a thing or two by keeping her under careful observation over all these years.There are a few things that she, and now we, keep on hand just to be ready for sudden visitors:

  • Small, cheap gifts for kids. Dollar store type stuff is just the thing to offer a visiting child and it's often the difference between an awkward drop in and a nice extended visit: if the kids are occupied, the parents get to spend more time together. We keep a few things on hand just in case (the selection is always changing).  Don't overcomplicate it: jacks, a rubber ball and paddle game, silly putty.  Sparklers, bubbles, water balloons, and those cheap balsa airplanes. SOMETHING.  That's all you need.
  • Champagne. There have been several times when someone has stopped in and dropped a major piece of happy news. When champagne is produced--quickly, chilled--it has an amazing effect.  What may have been a casual comment to bring us up to date on the latest news becomes a celebration. Really: memories are made here.
  • An ice cream cake.  Sounds weird, right?  Well, for the why of a cake at all, see "Champagne," above. Same idea, but perhaps a different audience. Why an ice cream cake? First, it keeps forever.* Second, who doesn't like ice cream?
  • Folding chairs. Or other impromptu seating. Duh.

 * If you don't have a chest freezer in your basement, you're missing out on a very low cost, low maintenance appliance that can improve your life and save you real money. They are often available for free on Craigslist: keep an eye out!

Bottles: Insulated.

Bottles: Insulated.

The North Star of Design