
Seems simple, no?  No.

  1. Finish at the Floor: Always clean from top to bottom. That way gravity works in your favor and the mess you make from cleaning is easier to clean up.
  2. Always clean from least dirty to most dirty.  This ensures that you get the most out of your cleaning supplies--and that you don't spread the mess. Seems obvious, but many people mistakenly attack the biggest mess first and end up working inefficiently.
  3. Not a chemist? Read the bottle.  "Like dissolves like," so the bottle your holding may not impact the mess you're facing. What's more, the promises implied on the commercial may not come to fruition unless you apply the product properly. It is AMAZING how well a product designed to clean a certain thing cleans that thing, and it is also AMAZING how a product not-designed to clean a certain thing seems to have no impact whatsoever.

** Dishes: you can feel when they are clean: use your fingers.  *** Laundry: you're using too much soap. Cut back.  **** Fragrance: avoid it.  ***** Anti-bacterial: it's not necessary: instead use plain old soap, vinegar, ammonia, or bleach. The old ways are best when it comes to cleaning. 

One is None

Connecting my LP Generator to my RV's LP Port

Connecting my LP Generator to my RV's LP Port